There’s a lot to learn about print. Here are some of our favorite links for ideas, interesting information, plus some good online sources for fonts and photos.
All Things Print
Print In the Mix – A compendium of facts about print, mail, and marketing.
Dead Tree Edition – Insights on publishing, postal issues, paper, and printing from a U.S. magazine industry insider.
Fold Factory – a fascinating YouTube channel about (you guessed it) fantastic folds.
Digital Nirvana – a wonderful compendium of articles about print and marketing.
PaperSpecs – great information about paper and design.
Parse and Parcel – Print and paper from the UK perspective.
PrintMediaCentr – Informative and occasionally wacky info about print, design, and the printing industry.
British Letterpress – The website for the UK letterpress community. Lots of information about an old school printing process that’s making a comeback in the 21st century.
Print and The Environment
Two Sides – the facts about sustainability in the Graphic Communications Industry.
American Forest and Paper Association – articles on paper and the environment from the largest forest products and paper association.
Fonts, Utilities, and Photography
Google Fonts – Hundreds of free open-source fonts. – All of the other fonts you could possibly need.
SkyFonts – A way to manage all of the fonts you get from Google and
Pixabay – Free vector images and photography. Buy them a cup of coffee.
WikiMedia Commons – All of the photography on Wikipedia with Creative Commons licensing.
BigStock Photos – A tremendous selection of stock photography at reasonable prices.
ShutterStock – Another affordable source for images and vector graphics. – convert colors from and to hex, rgb, cmyk, and Pantone color formats.
There’s a lot to be happy about
when you choose print.
And when you send your projects
to Thomas Press!